ChannelGuideProvider.dll - Serves guide info to your Replay(s) - Not required. GetShellCommands.dll - Used for executing shell commands - Not required. GuideServer.dll - Used to View the Web-based Channel Guide - Not required. HeadendProvider.dll - Serves channel info for the lineup(s) provided by ZipcodeProvider - Not required. IVSProvider.dll - Provide IVS RDDNS lookups locally, then proxies to rddns-production - Not required. NoPhoneNumbers.dll - Intercepts phone number updates during a net connect - Not required. NoReplayZones.dll - Intercepts ReplayZone updates during a net connect - Not required. NoSoftwareUpdate.dll - Intercepts software updates during a net connect - Not required. PutSyslogProvider.dll - Intercepts syslog uploading during a net connect - Not required. ServerManagment.dll - Manages the WiRNS Server - Required XactProvider.dll - Proxies and Uploads/Downloads ReplayGuide info to/from & to Poopli (if configured). ZipcodeProvider.dll - Serves lineup info (i.e. DirecTV, National or DISH, National, etc)- Not required. LoginAuthLogout.dll - If the ReplayTV servers are unreachable, this will return a 304 not modified. (This does NOT bypass service activation NOR let you "Steal" service)